Mastering Impactful Relationships for Leaders

Impactful leadership in teams requires consensual, win-win decision making and conflict resolution methodologies.  This requires a major shift in the relationship between leaders and their team members towards relationships based on partnership.  The results are team members and their leaders who experience creativity in problem-solving, greater work ethic, and sense of collaborative empowerment.

Coming Soon

Imagine if you could create a collaborative team where influence and respect is natural and free flowing.  Imagine leaders, managers and supervisors who could create that team climate with an engaged workforce that’s truly invested in making the organisation a success.

Mastering impactful relationships for leaders will create managers who seek others’ input and really hear it.  Leaders who empower others to solve their own problems. Leaders that build consensus through collaborative power.  People who are excited about their roles and work hard to make your organisation successful?

The M.I.R training for leaders is based upon the conclusion that organisations need a new kind of leadership that puts human values first—a model of leadership defined as the participative, servant leadership model, facilitates each person’s creative capacities, the free expression of their individuality and their active participation in problem-solving and goal-setting.

The Course  – Mastering Impactful Relationships for Leadership Effectiveness

    • 8 instructional online videos delivered over 8 weeks with follow up notes, readings and tasks
    • 8 online or in person 1:1 or group coaching sessions delivered over 8 weeks
    • $1400 pp + GST
    • Organisation Rate – $6,200 for up to 10 Participants

1:1 coaching sessions available on request

2hr in presentations at your workplace are available on request

The participative, servant leadership model

The move toward participation and servant leadership as the most effective form of leadership in organisations is gaining acceptance throughout the world. Evidence is accumulating for its superiority over authoritarian systems of leadership and governance. Organisations that involve people in activities traditionally limited to leaders and managers are more productive and successful than organisations that don’t.
Such practices positively affect absenteeism, turnover, productivity and morale. People feel better about themselves, have more self-esteem, have gained more control over
their lives and lost some of their feelings of powerlessness (McLagan, P. and Christo, N., 1995; Simmons, J.)
Participative, servant leadership builds and maintains relationships which are more like partnerships than traditional relationships in which leaders dominate and workers are subordinate. People are encouraged to take their problems and their new ideas to those who can help them solve them. People empower each other.
This change in leadership from an authoritarian, top down model to a partnership, servant leadership model requires specific skills and procedures that traditional leaders may not have been taught such as:

● Empathic listening
● Honest self-disclosure
● Empowering others
● No-lose conflict resolution procedure
● Consulting skills
● Group problem-solving procedure
● Facilitating effective group-centred meetings

In the M.I.R. program, you learn about these skills and are given ample opportunity to practice and be coached on the ones that are more difficult to master.
This is more than a course to teach leadership skills. It is also a course that will teach you the skills for building and enriching all of your professional and personal relationships. You will become more self confident, empathic and skilled in dealing with all relationship situations.
The skills learned in M.I.R will become an integral part of you as a person. You will become more accepting of the inevitability of conflicts in your professional relationships and more confident in your ability to resolve such conflicts so that relationships become strengthened and people you interact with become empowered.

Program Design

The program is designed to involve participants very actively in their own learning. We use the following four-step instructional process in each session:

  1. Structure: Instructor presentations, professional reading, audio-visual aids.
  2. Involvement: Role-plays, exercises, skill practice.
  3. Process: Group discussions, one-on-one sharing and reflection to explore new learnings and insights.
  4. Application: Individual and group activities to consolidate learning and make specific action plans. Involves workbook and text reading and out-of-class skill practice assignments